Saturday, April 24, 2010

A New Course of Treatment

Met with the Doc on the 14th to discuss the results of the PET and MRI's.  My hips and back are fine as far as cancer goes.  It's there, but not active.  They're seeing some bursitis in my hips.  How funny.  I know the first time I heard of bursitis I was probably CERTAIN that it would never happen to me.  And yet, here I am.

We're seeing more (slow) progression in my left lung, as well as something new in a lymph node area behind my chest wall.  I have to emphasize that this is small and slow.  We are NOT talking big panic here!  (Small panic is okay however.)

We decided that I would stay on the Herceptin (the infusion every 4 weeks with virtually no side effects), stay on Aromasin (a tiny pill once daily), and add Tykerb.  Tykerb is taken daily in pill form.  It is considered a chemo, but targets the cancer.  Which, in terms of how this affects me, (which of course is the most important part...) means that I don't lose hair.  There are some nastier side effects but they occur in only about 30% of people who take Tykerb, so we're thinking positive.  And, if it should happen that I'm in the 30%, they have lots of other drugs to handle those side effects.  So, no big deal.

It's funny how easy it is to focus on the possible side effects rather than if it will work or not.  And that is funny - 'odd', not funny - 'ha ha'.

So of course there is prolonged drama just getting signed up for the meds, but the wheels are turning.  I'll keep you informed as to how it goes.

And in the meantime, check out my page on Etsy.  Make me happy.

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