Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Alpha Dog

I have never felt the need to be the "alpha dog" (as it were), but I find that I am.

Evidently, the fact that 5 days a week I get dressed up and leave the house for 8 to 10 hours has convinced the boys that I am endowed with special powers and am to be worshipped. This causes some consternation in the household. When G leaves, they howl, inconsolable. She is considered 'one of them' we think. And she is the leader when I'm absent. Sam comes next, a fact that makes Hans miserable. Hans, as the smallest dog, but the one with the most testosterone, believes he should be, maybe not the alpha dog, but at least above Sam. He spends a great deal of time challenging Sam's position. Sam, on the other hand, is secure in his position and pretty much pays no attention.

Hans doesn't really care about playing with toys so much, but he must have the toy that Sam is currently squeaking. If Sam appears to be having fun, Hans will start to fight with him, growling, barking, grabbing Sam's collar and tugging. If Sam is lying serenely on the couch, Hans stands over him, giving him a close up view of things Sam would rather not see. Hans tries and tries to exit the door first, never managing that. It is a constant struggle.

I really feel sorry for him. With no effort on my part, I find myself the alpha-dog. And for all his struggling, he can't climb that ladder.

Struggle less. Enjoy the place you are, more. Unless, of course, you are a dog.

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