Sunday, December 27, 2009

December 27, 2009
For the past 4 days I've had the luxury of sitting in the sunshine, inside, in my comfy chair, with one or two Schnauzers on my lap. It's like heaven really.

I've been thinking a lot about this entire year with a lot of wonderment about how many things changed. Last Christmas we celebrated with wonderful friends who have since moved far away. I miss them every day. It has been a long time since I had a good friend in this way. Gerry and I speak about everything, but having an 'other' to share with was splendid. And we still talk, but never enough.

A long time ago, (a long, long time ago), there was this man. And while he contributed to a great deal of pain and confusion in my life that lasted for quite a while, he also gave me a piece of poetry that has informed, and nudged and guided me for all my life since then. It was a time of sappy poetry, Rod McKuen.

"You turn a corner, and things change."

There's a lot more to it, maybe I'll post the whole thing some day, but that phrase is almost my mantra. When you finally realize that everything and anything can change in an instant, you focus more on the moment. This 'is', right now. You turn a corner? Things change.

Live now.

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