Tuesday, February 9, 2010


I have always thought it is better to be busy than bored.  I still think that.  I am so not bored!

Conversion at work is going okay, the pressure is on, we're in the last 2.5 weeks, then some intense training the first week of March, and on with life. 

The arts are really getting hit hard with this recession.  I get it.  There's no money.  But anybody in the big firms who is still getting their bonus, they really, really, really should share it. 

I think we got in trouble when executives and managers started getting salaries that are so much more, percentage wise, than the regular folks doing the work.  I think it is better for everyone if everyone shares in that wealth.  Really, folks, do you need 3 vacation houses?  Wouldn't one do, and then the people working for you could afford to own their own home?  I know that everyone wants to 'get ahead', but this is ridiculous.  We have to try and spread the wealth around. 

So, you're probably not going to give up that gigunda salary (your management probably wouldn't let you!).  But here's an idea.  Get out and share what you have.  If you have enough, take the rest and spread it around.  Help people who don't have enough to eat, who don't having housing.  And help sustain the arts in your community.  Being able to see live theatre, being able to hear the symphony, watch a ballet, submerge yourself in the drama of opera....in a lot of ways, that is the icing on life.

It's the stuff that grabs your heart, and makes you laugh, makes you cry, makes you Feel! that makes you feel alive.  Don't let that go out of your community.  Don't let that light and that fire go out. 

Please!  Find something that stirs your heart, and support it.  You can't take it with you.  Spend it on beautiful things while you're here!

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