Saturday, February 20, 2010

Herceptin, revisited

Well, hello again Herceptin.  This is a chemo that thwarts the growth of blood vessels to tumors.  I took it from February of 2007 through April of 2009.  With lung nodules showing up in July of 2009 and increasing by January of 2010, I am back on it for an indefinite period of time.  Most likely right up until it isn't working anymore, and then we'll try something else.

Herceptin doesn't really have bad side effects, with the exception of starting it up.  The very first time I had it, it gave me a couple of hours of muscle cramping, joint pain, shivers like a heavy fever.  After 10 months off, I had the same reaction Friday.  It's like a bad flu.  Loaded up with lots of blankets, drinking hot tea, comfy flannel jammies....  Rather uncomfortable. 

In some strange way though today, I feel a bit renewed, almost like a sweat lodge, all the toxins out, a little weak in the muscles, but clean.  Spent a big portion of the day with one or the other dog on me, cuddling, using their warmth like a heating pad.  Cold and rainy outside, but that's something amazing when you live in the sunshine all the time.  So, a good day.

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