Thursday, February 4, 2010

What is really important?

Having fun.
Telling people how you feel.
Cuddling your puppy.
Being real.

There are very few days that go by without me thinking about my friend Terry.  If there is one thing that I regret, it is losing his friendship.  I don't know anymore if it is all my fault.  Seems hard to imagine that I could have destroyed it all by myself.  But, who knows.

The friendships of our youth are the strongest, even when not logical.  I let few people in anymore.  Some (Angie and Shelby...) sneak in before I know it, and I am glad that they do.  But those friendships forged when we are young can be so strong.  We hadso little, other than our friends, at that time in our life.  We moved each other from apartment to apartment.  We shared cars and food and housing and secrets and our insanity.

My friend Terry accepted me as I was, as I did him.  At least I think so.  I think a great deal about what went wrong, about what changed.  I have a number of theories.  But do any of them matter?
All I know is that our friendship is gone.

As I face my own mortality, I want to make it right between us.  But I'm not sure that is possible.  What a damned shame.

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