Thursday, January 14, 2010

Not Great News, But Still Alive~

Today I had a CT Scan.  Or maybe a CAT scan.  They keep saying one or the other.

It was very quick compared to a PET scan.  And Kristine called with the results this afternoon.

Okay, so.  The nodule in my lung that we saw before, has increased in size and activity.  And there's a new one that cropped up in the last 3 months, and is now 4mm in size. 

I have an appointment on the 27th to talk to the Doc and see what the next treatment is.  I wish I had never stopped the Herceptin. Did I bring this on myself by stopping that?

I don't want a toxic chemo....please, no. 
I've got a really busy next week, so I'm glad I don't have to worry about this til the 27th. 
And then, I look at these poor, poor people in Haiti.  What on earth am I afraid of?

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