Friday, January 1, 2010

Happy Agitated New Year

We spent a wonderful evening, shared fondue, sipped a nice wine, watched the ball drop in Times Square (hokey, but a tradition). 

So why did I toss and turn all night, feeling agitated?

I come from a long line of worriers.  My father was a worrier.  He worried himself to death.  Was sure he had some fatal disease.  Turned out he did.  When they diagnosed him, he was completely vindicated and at peace.  He died the next day.  Of course, he was sure about that fatal disease most of his life...and eventually, that's bound to come true, even if it's "natural causes".  Life, if you think about it, is fatal.

In the past, I have seriously worried about how much I worry. Hasn't been so bad lately though.  So last night was a little unsettling.  I'll spend the day trying to shake the feelings of doom.  Or maybe just the next ten minutes.

Happy 2010.  Here's to Love, family, good friends, health and prosperity.  (Not necessarily in that order at any given time throughout the year.)

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